Mastercard® Rewards (Recompensas) para Estudiantes
Obtén recompensas por tus compras diarias.
- Solicita Mastercard® Rewards para Estudiantes para Student Rewards Mastercard
- Divulgación Completa para Student Rewards Mastercard
Comida, gasolina, café con leche por la mañana. Sea cual sea tu rutina diaria, puedes ganar puntos y acumular crédito pagando con tu tarjeta de crédito para estudiantes. Canjea recompensas por productos, viajes, tarjetas regalo, entradas para eventos y mucho más. Compra en marcas locales y nacionales como Apple, Macy’s, REI y Starbucks, en la tienda o por Internet, y gana puntos automáticamente. Manéjalo todo en la palma de tu mano con la banca en línea y móvil.
- Tipos variables bajos
- Sin comisiones anuales, ni al solicitarla
- Sin comisiones por transacciones en el extranjero
- Sin historial de crédito previo ni necesidad de aval1
- $1 gastado = 1 punto
- $1 gastado en combustible y comestibles = 2 puntos2
- Protección antirrobo de identidad (ID Theft Protection™), supervisión de fraudes, alertas y asistencia3
- Protección de Responsabilidad Cero contra compras no autorizadas con tarjeta4
- Global Service para reemplazos de emergencia en cualquier lugar y en cualquier idioma
Trojan Rewards. Canjee beneficios, gane puntos de bonificación exclusivos y administre tus puntos, todo en un solo lugar. Realice una prueba de manejo y explora recompensas de muestra hoy.
Protección Peace of Mind. Tu no puedes controlar todo en la vida – pero si puedes ayudar a proteger tus finanzas con la Protección Peace of Mind. Cancela el saldo o los pagos de tu préstamo en caso de desempleo involuntario, incapacidad o fallecimiento. La cobertura es personalizable y voluntaria, y es fácil de solicitar.
0% APR* Oferta Introductoria
Durante los primeros 15 ciclos de facturación para compras y transferencias de saldo realizadas dentro de los seis meses posteriores a la apertura de la cuenta. Después, se aplicará un APR* variable estándar.
Consigue la tarjeta de crédito que a los miembros les encanta.
Tasas asequibles, recompensas, tarjetas de crédito para generar crédito: lo encontrará todo en USC Credit Union.
Tasas de tarjeta de crédito bajas y convenientes para tener Zelle disponible en mi app.
Cuentas de Cheques
Cajeros automáticos gratuitos. Banca en línea gratis. Las cuentas de cheques de USC Credit Union te ofrecen ventajas y muchas opciones, desde nuestra cuenta básica sin comisiones hasta las cuentas que devengan intereses.
Tarjeta de Débito
¡Sin dinero en efectivo! Tu tarjeta Débito/ATM te permite acceder a los fondos de tu cuenta corriente deslizando rápidamente la tarjeta.
Cuenta del Mercado Monetario
Mantén tus ganancias altas y tus activos líquidos. Abre una Cuenta del Mercado Monetario de USC Credit Union con tan sólo $2,500.
Recursos Educativos
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Smart Student Loan Repayment Tips for 2024
Navigating student loan repayment can be challenging, but 2024 brings new opportunities to ensure you’re on the right track towards financial freedom!
Smart Student Loan Repayment Tips for 2024
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Celebrating the Holidays with Student Debt
The holidays are a time of joy and giving, but for many of us managing student loan repayments, it can also be a season of financial stress. But with a bit of planning, creativity, and focus on what truly matters to you this season, it’s possible to find holiday cheer without breaking the bank.
Celebrating the Holidays with Student Debt
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Repaying Student Loans: Budget Your Way to Freedom
Managing student loan debt can sometimes feel like an uphill battle. But the truth is, a smart budget, personalized to your income and other expenses, can be your greatest asset in paying off your student loans while maintaining your quality of life. In this guide, we walk you through the steps to create your own budget that works for you and your goals.
Repaying Student Loans: Budget Your Way to Freedom
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How to Pick a Good Student Loan Co-Borrower
When delving into the world of private student loans, you may discover that many lenders mention a “co-borrower.” A co-borrower is someone who applies for the loan with you and is equally responsible for ensuring it is repaid. A private student loan will be held in your name as the primary borrower, but the co-borrower’s name and credit will be tied to the loan as well.
How to Pick a Good Student Loan Co-Borrower
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Student Loan Forgiveness Was Blocked by the Supreme Court. What’s Next?
On June 30, the Supreme Court struck down Biden's one-time student loan debt forgiveness plan, which was set to forgive up to $20,000 for 26 million borrowers. So, what's next? Read this blog post to review the latest updates.
Student Loan Forgiveness Was Blocked by the Supreme Court. What’s Next?
Students Students
Federal Student Loan Payments Resume Soon – What You Need to Know
Most federal student loan payments and interest have been suspended since March 2020. After numerous extensions, student loan interest will resume on September 1, 2023, and payments will resume starting in October.
Federal Student Loan Payments Resume Soon – What You Need to Know
Students Students
The Top 4 Best Ways to Pay for College – How to Fill the Funding Gap
Let’s face it – no one is accepted to college and thinks, “I can’t wait to pay my tuition bill!” College is a big investment, which is why it’s important to know your options, plan ahead, and choose wisely when paying for it. Remember: filling out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is the first step to securing any financial aid! Follow the “free, cheap, gap” method to responsibly pay for college, and set yourself for a strong financial future down the road.
The Top 4 Best Ways to Pay for College – How to Fill the Funding Gap
Students Students
Why Should You Refinance Student Loans with a Credit Union?
Student loans may have helped you get the education needed for your future career, but making student loan payments can also be a pain point in your monthly expenses. Refinancing one or more of your loans could save you money and simplify your repayment. Before you determine where you should refinance your student loans, you should consider if it’s a smart decision for you.
Why Should You Refinance Student Loans with a Credit Union?
Students Students
Consolidation vs. Refinancing Student Loans
Student loan consolidation and refinancing are two options available to borrowers looking to manage their student loan debt. We break down the differences between loan consolidation and refinancing, discuss the eligibility requirements, and help you determine which option is best for your financial situation.
Consolidation vs. Refinancing Student Loans
Students Students
Understanding Financial Aid Award Letters
You’ve received your college acceptance letters – congratulations! If you’ve been accepted to multiple schools, one of the biggest determining factors for your final choice may be the out of pocket cost for each option. Along with your acceptance letters, you should receive an award letter outlining the financial aid for which you are eligible at each college. Here are some important definitions you should know.
Understanding Financial Aid Award Letters
1Se requiere una prueba de ingresos para solicitarla; un cosignatario aumentará las posibilidades de aprobación.
2Los puntos de bonificación por combustible y comestibles se aplican a los primeros $ 5,000 en compras combinadas en estas categorías cada año.
3Se aplican ciertos términos, condiciones y exclusiones. Los titulares de tarjetas deben registrarse en este servicio. Este servicio es proporcionado por Iris® Powered by Generali. Consulta tu guía de ventajas para obtener más información o llama al 1-800-MASTERCARD.
4Se aplican condiciones y excepciones. Más información sobre Zero Liability.
*Consulte la divulgación completa para conocer los términos.